G’day all, I’m looking at booking a trip from Sydney to New Zealand (specifically to Queenstown and Auckland) from the 28th December to January 6th. You can get tickets from various airlines for those dates but I can’t seem to find any advice as to whether quarantine free travel will be allowed by those dates. I’m aware there’s an outbreak going on in Auckland at the moment and I did see there was an announcement about lockdowns easing across New Zealand once they hit 90% fully vaccinated. But again, no word on travel from Australia. I figure no one has a crystal ball to tell me for sure, but more just wanted to see if anyone had seen articles or announcements that I might of missed regarding this. Cheers.
I want to see who is listed. if I can’t, why not?
I want to watch a YouTube video at 144p and it gives me a load ring every 5 seconds that takes 20 seconds to go away. I want to download something but I'll be damned if it's over a gigabyte big (1mb/s download speeds). The internet works half the time and it takes 2 minutes to load a web page with more detail than a few words. Guess these decades old copper telephone wires shouldn't be used for the world wide web, huh.
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