I cannot shake this feeling of mine, or figure out from where it stems, but anytime I hear a non-African or a non-Sudanese speak about their wish to visit my country, or to start a business there, I get a sort of indignant, irritated feeling.
I suspect it stems from my resentment of colonialism (by association, the “white man’s burden” attitude that pervades throughout the west). I would temper myself to be more hospitable, but I have trouble doing it; I am not even really sure if I am wrong for feeling the way I do. I look at the state of Sudan, or Chad, wherever else in Africa, and I think to myself things would not be this way if it weren’t for unwanted outside intervention.
Can anyone else relate, or provide their two cents?

Hi guys. As you already know tensions between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia have been rapidly escalating in recent years. I was wondering what do other African countries think about this matter, particularly those in the African Horn and the Nile basin?
Ethiopia's PM announced their plan to build 100 more dams(though not as big) next year on all rivers. I would like to know how do neighbouring countries feel about that? I know Kenya and Somalia were already affected by Ethiopian dam projects. I was wondering what about this latest announcement?

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