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Middle East News on Nov. 6, 2020
Friday, November 06, 2020
VietPress USA = Source: www.reddit.com
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Salam brothers and sisters. I live in the U.S. and I am a Yemeni. I have never been to Yemen before except when I was a toddler, but have no memories of it.
My siblings are all in Yemen, and I’ve been considering going myself. I’m so use to the American culture, so because of that I’ve been anxious on actually going. Unfortunately, I barely speak any Arabic, but my brother does thankfully. However, I don’t want to just feel like I’m a follower everywhere he goes, so I have been practicing my Arabic a bit.
If any of you guys can suggest how to learn Arabic please let me know and if I were to go to Yemen for a visit how long should I stay?
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