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Middle East News on Aug. 14, 2020
Friday, August 14, 2020
VietPress USA - Source: www.reddit.com:
Hạnh Dương
140 points
Looking back with hindsight, it's quite interesting how Bashar al-Assad and the current regime of Syria didn't collapse in 2011 like so many other nations.
The Tunisian Revolution last for a month and a half
The Egyptian Revolution lasted more or less a month
Gaddafi in Lybia started receiving protests in February and by October was dead.
How did Assad manage to keep his regime from collapse and keep himself in power?
Not to mention that Papandreu of Greece and Berlusconi of Italy also resigned that year, prompting the international community to demand likewise demand Assad, an unpopular leader, to resign and give control of Syria to somebody else.
Why didn't he resign? Like Mubarak and Ben Ali. That unrest could have ended so much earlier.....
2 points
10 points