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Australia News on April 1st 2019
Monday, April 01, 2019
VietPress USA News source: www.reddit.com
Dry July is Cancer Council and Ocsober is Healthy Harold, both have other more on-brand events throughout the year afaik. As a recovering alcoholic, if I were to partake, I want my money to go to treatment facilities and counselling services as I know how bloody hard it is to stay sober and they're criminally underfunded (as one who uses these services), there's no prominent charity event throughout the year for that type of stuff. Anyone heard of anything that sort of matches what I'm looking for?
Hi r/Australia,
Sorry if this has been asked before, but I am curious as to how Foxtel Now will work with Game of Thrones Season 8?
This is a question for those who have steamed GoT in the past via Foxtel Now.
Will it be available to stream right after the show has ended on Match 15th or do we need to wait a couple of days for it to be available on the service?
Do we need to have a certain package with Foxtel Now or just their cheapest/simplest package will do?
Thank you ! #WinterIsHere
I don't know but I just got this sudden urge to move to Australia. Maybe it's because Im still a high school teen but I was thinking about moving once I finish my education and earn some money. I don't even know how to move to a different country but how nice would it be to move?
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