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Africa News on Feb. 20, 2019
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
VietPress USA - News source: www.reddit.com
ODP has made official announcements that the aminstration will not compromise or discuss on the issue of ethnic federalism and that the issues of the Addis Ababa, special benefits, and language are like wise being worked on. He also spoke about false information claiming that the adminstration plans to abolish ethnic federalism.
In a democratic system every thing is done by the voice of the people not by certain people who refuse to compromise or discuss. Those who dont compromise and discuss will like wise be removed through votes of the majority. This is what democracy is.
The people want the constitution changed and the people want a non ethnic system that equally promotes their common prosperity and one that is not so backward. Leave it to their voice and vote.
The same goes for the Addis Ababa issues and the oromo language issue. The people decide not some politicians. If not then drop the "demorcatic label and facade.
The issue of Addis Ababa can only be settled by its long stayed residents not by imported indviduals with ID handouts who never lived there. Also in a democratic system there is no such thing as a "special benefit" and never will be
The issue of the language can be decided by the vote of all the Ethiopian people. And even then should not be forced on those who dont accept it.
Abiy himself made a speech saying that his adminstration wont be making such changes as others dont agree with it. So why are such changes being made when the majority of Ethiopians dont agree with it??
And who are the people spreading a false information that the government plans to abolish ethnic federalism infact all i hear are complaints about the system and improvements it requires?
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