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World News on Dec. 3rd, 2017
Sunday, December 03, 2017
VietPress USA ():
Supermarket chain to sell food up to a month past its best-before date in attempt to slash waste - The scheme does not include any products with a ‘Use By’ date, including meat, fish and dairy - first time a major UK food retailer has begun selling food outside its best before date. (telegraph.co.uk)
submitted by madazzahatter
Germany floats bonus for rejected asylum seekers to go home: Germany wants rejected asylum seekers to voluntarily leave the country and aims to offer an incentive. The idea, outlined by Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere, is meant to help with reintegration once back at home. (dw.com)
submitted by madazzahatter
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has announced the creation of a new virtual currency in a bid to ease the country's economic crisis. He said the Petro would be backed by Venezuela's oil, gas, gold and diamond wealth. Opposition MPs, however, poured scorn on the plan. (bbc.com)
submitted by madam1