I've been trying to place it all week, that song with the great harmonies about being on our way. Knew it was by an Australian band. Traffic Jam? No luck. Googled the lyrics. No luck. Finally today I was able to Shazam it.
You're welcome.
I was watching a video of Karl Stefanovic presenting morning TV after a night at The Logies and it seemed as though he was completely off his face on MDMA. Has anyone out there attended events like this and seen some weird things go down? I presume the 'lines' in the toilets must be very long...
As titled. I cant work it out. Im looking for a 10y long-life smoke detector (in addition to the regulatory ones already installed in my home) to keep more areas in my home and family safe. But for some reason they seem unnecessarily expensive.
I refer you to Bunnings in NZ: Family Shield Photoelectric 10 Year Longlife Smoke Alarm - 2 Pack - Bunnings New Zealand
These are effectively $16 each. In Oz, its minimum of twice that price. Can anyone put a reasonable explanation as to why this is? It seems ludicrous.
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