I'm sure many of those posting about postage delays have legit gripes, but with the exception of a few weeks at the start of the pandemic, I've found Aussie post have been pretty good. My postage times have been pretty much what they were before, but this time they've excelled.
The parts I ordered from Brissy yesterday were waiting for me when I got home sarvo in FNQ. That's the fastest I've ever had something delivered in years and it only cost $10. Cheers Aussie post. I'm off to the garage.
So, I'm a dietitian from Australia. For a while now I've been working on creating a free healthy eating booklet or handbook that I could share, to help communicate basic Australian nutrition concepts, such as our five food groups, how to healthfully eat out, and info on salt, sugar and fat. I thought it would be relevant to share here as I am specifically focusing on the Australian dietary guidelines, the Australian healthy eating plate, and other info that is specific to our country.
While there currently are official websites such as eatforhealth.gov.au, I think there have been struggles in communicating these ideas, and so I thought that putting this guide together might be a good idea, to act as a kind of one stop shop for nutrition information, explained in a (hopefully) simple and easy to understand way.
The recent health scare affecting our country especially was a big motivator to do this, as much evidence indicates that conditions such as obesity and diabetes can greatly increase the risk of developing a more severe reaction with a reduced chance of recovery.
I have included a google drive link here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16pBZGW0y9q8b1Utl-o8WeFUeD6JUBGlE/view?usp=sharing
If anyone is interested and could give me feedback before I start printing it, it would be appreciated. I was thinking of putting it in people's mailboxes, but I'm not sure about the legalities of this, or if it would be bothersome to people. Any critiques would be very welcome.
Thanks so much
EDIT - Okay it seems that the mailbox thing is a really bad idea
So I’m a learner with about 50 hours and have been doing some drives on 80km roads. I’ll be going exactly the speed limit of 80km, but then majority of people behind me will overtake. Why is this? I’ve been with driving instructors that say my driving is fine and there’s nothing wrong with it, and I’m not going slow.
Or more readily available
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