hi. I am from Malaysia. I am doing a survey. Please leave your age along!
1.(a) Your favourite dessert/ pastry/bread?
(b) Which pastry or dessert do you think that it's too expensive?
(c) Which dessert/pastry do you want to get in a more affordable price?
2.(a) Do you know what is a bagel? Do you like it?
(b) Is it too expensive?

Defense ministers from ASEAN Nations and their dialogue partners recently convened to explore measures to boost their relationship and cooperation in the face of a variety of regional security concerns, according to the Department of National Defense (DND).
During the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Defense Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM) Retreat and Handover Ceremony on Nov. 10, Assistant Secretary for Strategic Assessments and International Affairs Teodoro Cirilo Torralba III represented Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana. Due to the current coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, it was held virtually.
The defense ministers complimented Brunei Darussalam on a productive ADMM and ADMM-Plus Chairmanship in 2020, and welcomed Cambodia’s forthcoming ASEAN Chairmanship in 2022 during the meeting.
DND spokeswoman Arsenio Andolong said that they also recognized the importance of preparing the ADMM’s future, particularly in its connections with the ADMM-Plus, as well as ASEAN’s allies and dialogue partners.
On the margins of the event, there were also casual discussions with the defense ministers of Australia and the Republic of Korea (ROK).
BBC News - Danny Fenster: US journalist freed from Myanmar jail https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-59290412
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