I was pretty surprised, I've been around magpies my whole life and it's only the second time I've been swooped at, the first being over 25 years ago...
I just kinda... Karen'd it. And it fucking WORKED.
I looked at that magpie and yelled, 'EXCUSE ME! THAT'S SO RUDE, WHAT THE HELL?!' I went to walk away and saw it's shadow approaching behind me so I ducked as it swooped again. I just stopped, turned, pointed my finger at it and yelled at it to quit being a little arsehole, that I'm not impressed in its behaviour in the slightest and that it had better cut that shit out.
It just stood there and looked at me. I started walking again, but keeping my eye on it and every time it started running low to the ground towards me I stopped and pointed and yelled, 'UH-UH! WHAT DID I SAY?'
.... it fucked off after about 45 seconds and I just kinda laughed in disbelief then walked my butt swiftly back home. Backwards.
Anyone else do the STAT this week? I ran out of time at had to guess around 20 questions. I don’t understand how people who’ve taken it previously say it’s easy?? Am I missing something??😭

Hi guys, I'm hoping this will get an audience,
The pandemic has seen the number of donations dropping off, due to lockdowns and the fear or moving around/going out. Can I please remind you all that donating blood is an essential act of care-giving and is allowed during lockdowns.
You can give whole blood every 12 weeks. It takes an hour for the whole appointment (<10 mins for the donation) and can save up to 3 lives from the blood products they can make.
You can give plasma every 2 weeks. It takes 1.5 hours for the whole appointment (~45 mins for the donation) and you don't suffer lack of volume, as they return the red blood cells.
If you're a male and have previously donated plasma, you can donate platelets every 2 weeks. It takes 2 hours for the whole appointment (~60 mins for the donation).
it's relatively painless - the worst part is the finger prick for haemoglobin count,
you can do it on a weekend, in your spare time,
it's a good excuse to have a massive savoury breakfast,
you are literally helping to save lives,
gets you out of the house during a lockdown,
you get free food and drinks afterwards,
Hạnh Dương