Fucking Bullshit!
What happened to my body my choice?
Hi there, I have a burning question for Australian psychologists.
I'm currently working for a psych practice in admin but looking into studying psychology and becoming a general psychologist.
I've looked at the APS for study options. It looks like they will scrap the 4+2? So does that only leave 5+1? Does that mean, you have to do your bachelor's, a master's degree and then 1 year of unpaid internship?
I'm expecting my first child so I'm a bit worried about this unpaid internship and difficult study options.
My other plan is to do a Bachelor of counselling and psychotherapy. I know counsellors are unregulated but I would be happy with a counselling role. Then there is social work also but I'm not very interested in becoming a social worker as I purely like therapy and counselling.
Please advice! Thank you so much.
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