my friend said all australians know who Martin Bryant is, i was wondering if that's true?
Hey guys,
I have a quick question, I’ve been living in Australia for nearly 17 years. My passport where I hold my citizenship is nearly expired. Since I’ve been living in Australia, my parents have been the ones to renew everything. My question is, how would I go doing it myself?
I’ve googled like crazy but I can’t seem to find the answers? Could someone please point me to the right direction?
Thanks :)
Invading pommy lurker here. Had my eye on Australia for a long time and got the chance to study in Canberra for 8 months. It was fantastic and left a huge impression on me, so a year on I've stuck a few photos in a gallery, trying to reflect the feel I got there.
Hope you don't mind Instagram too much but couldn't be arsed to reupload somewhere else, and without the description it wouldn't have the same impact.
Point is, I thoroughly and massively enjoyed my time in Australia (and, yes, even Canberra). So thanks for letting me explore a bit of your country for a while, and I hope I'm back for more some time. Love your parrots, your gum trees, your stupendous heat, your red soil, your modern buildings and your welcoming attitudes.
But I never had a Bunnings sausage sizzle or wrangled a crocodile. Or went to the mysterious and distant West coast. So still got a few things to tick off the list.
I’m just curious but if I was doing a long drive at night and I got sleepy could I just pull off into the next servo so sleep till dawn would I get fined or something? It says on the internet that it’s prohibited but I feel like it sleeping would be better than dying. Edit - in QLD