5.5 Mb, registered by EMSC,ISK,THE, 2021-03-04 18:38:19 UTC (gibbous moon), Greece (39.8, 22.2), ↓10 km likely felt 230 km away (Twitter)
Σεισμός! Earthquake! 6.0 Mb, registered by EMSC,THE, 2021-03-04 18:38:17 UTC (gibbous moon), Greece (39.77, 22.12), ↓4 km likely felt 260 km away (www.orfeus-eu.org)
As I observed in recent few years, european citizens is starting to support strong regimes like Putins and Lukashenkos more and more, it can be seen absolutely everywhere - even here on reddit. Insane amount of comments on youtube suports lukashenko regime right now, feels like currently there is more than 50% of people who support lukshenko. Polulation of baltic states loves Putin, I have spoken to a lot of people who see baltic states goverment as weak.
Russian protests are dead, same as Belorussian protests. Their support is growing worldwide, and I believe regimes like that will also grow in europe in near future.
When do you think it will happen? Will it happen in this decade or will it take longer?
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