I thought this forum might be a good place to apologize for some overly isolationist posts I made a while back on a similarly named account. I was in a mentally unhealthy place and was feeling especially sensitive to the toxic political environment, and endorsed US military neutrality as a way of getting away from this constant state of war, and was a bit callous about not answering follow up questions. I can see how that might be concerning to people reading, and of course in the end I would never actually go forward with pulling the rug out from under allies, I was just in a toxic, "posting while frustrated" mental state at the time, and have since realized how terrible I was being. I feel terribly guilty about it, and I hope reading this will at least let people know that occasional toxic posts like that are not long term held positions that would survive any kind of actual real world implementation, and that it came from a place of being frustrated with things like civilian deaths and collateral damage.
Hạnh Dương