Hi dear reddit users, I have a burning question and I think some of you could really help me out. I’m in my final year of university and I’m doing a project on reducing food waste by making a line of meat replacers using okara. Okara is the soy pulp left behind in the production of mainly soy milk and tofu. This is one of the biggest treams of food waste in the Netherlands so being able to use this would be an amazing development. I have to do a lot of research before I can start developing and one of the things I’m researching is what is already offered in Asian supermarkets/street food that contains okara. I can find a few things online, but obviously locals have more knowledge than I could ever find online. So please reddit users located in Asia, help me out. Are there any food items in your supermarkets that contain okara? This could be a ready to eat meal, bread, cakes, meat, anything really as long as it contains okara. I am forever grateful.
Do you guys think that the Philippines could become a great power in Asia in the future?
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