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Australia News on June 26, 2020
Thursday, June 25, 2020
VietPress USA - Source: www.reddit.com
I’ve already bought my stamps from there, so that’s not a problem
Guys: Do you know what actually looks good on you? Take our 3-minute quiz to find out.
Are you interested in gaining some insight into how recent times may be impacting your romantic relationship?
Our research lab at Deakin University is conducting a study investigating how the challenges of the current times have been impacting romantic relationships in Australia, so that we can find ways to better support couples during these sorts of events. This study is all online, is anonymous, and by participating in this study, you will have the opportunity to go into the draw to win 1 of 5 $500 (AUD) gift vouchers!
Please see our study website for all the details and to sign up to the study: https://www.scienceofadultrelationships.org/
We're still looking for a few more people to participate, so please also share this study with anyone you know that might be interested in!
Screw you guys for hoarding TP and ruining it for everyone else!! Did you not learn the last time ?
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