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Asia News on June 11, 2020
Thursday, June 11, 2020
VietPress USA - Source: www.reddit.com
2020 marks the 5-year anniversary of the Supreme Court recognizing marriage equality for all Americans, but there is still more progress to achieve. Stand with the LGBTQ community’s fight for equality today.
Part 2 of the Philippine's aswang covers the creature’s history, influence, and the serious genetic disorder known as X-Linked Dystonia Parkinsonism, or XDP.
I want to ask you, Western people who live in Asia if you experience prejudice towards you, being a minority in the continent.
.. just out of curiosity as I've never been to Asia
Huel is life right now if you’re trying to eat healthy at home. Because it’s packed with the perfect balance of protein, carbs, fats & fibre, it’s plant-based & it’s 100% vegan, it’s all you need to keep going morning or afternoon. Delivered to your door & less than a minute to prep. Try it.
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