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Australia News on May 27, 2020
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
VietPress USA Source: www.reddit.com
Any home owners or home purchasers check their attic space for wood rot or any other issues in the attic space? I’ve got a thirty year mortgage one third paid. And obviously have my home insured. Recently I noticed a sag in my roof and tried to get it fixed by the insurer. But they sent a guy around to look in my attic and they refused to pay, saying it was wear and tear that I should have kept my eye on and was negligent in not inspecting my roof space. I’m partially paralysed and physically can’t climb into my attic. Any advice would be awesome. Thanks
American here, been listening to the teachers pet podcast and wow what a doozie, one thing I took out of it-there seem to be a lot of twins mentioned? Are twins very common in Australia? Google wasn't tremendously helpful
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