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Asia News on May 2nd, 2020
Saturday, May 02, 2020
VietPress USA Source: www.reddit.com
American here. I don't like the CCP and their tendency to censor reality and hang cameras on every streetlamp to watch their citizens. However, I equally dislike racists who say very ignorant things about our Chinese friends. In fact, while I was at first happy to see increasing criticism of the CCP (and there should be continued pressure on them), I now feel there are many ignorant racists taking things too far.
For example, look at this bullshit video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVABcl5qPA0&feature=youtu.be
What the fuck is this? I had one Chinese friend forward me this and ask why westerners are portraying Chinese people like this. WE have retard racists in the west who can not differentiate between the CCP and all Chinese people (some can't even distinguish between Chinese and other Asians, so now they're just racist against all Asians).
It's making it VERY hard to talk to my Chinese friends about the flaws of the CCP while we have dumbasses parading around shouting the most absurd racist shit I have heard in decades.
Anyone else experiencing this and how are you dealing with it?
I would be very grateful if anyone could help me translate those porcelain markings so I can find the manufacturer or have at least any idea what to look for based on this image: https://imgur.com/a/wvr4m1i.
I'm black...and one of the coolest freakin' people on the planet. seriously though. ... No white people or asians discriminate against black people? No women ...
The South Korean government is considering importing Remdesivir, an antiviral medication developed by the American company Gilead Sciences. It has drawn global attention as a potential cure for COVID-19.
(South Korea recorded fewer than 10 new daily coronavirus infections for the fourth day in a row as of Saturday.) (Source: Yonhap News Agency)