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Europe News on Feb. 15, 2020
Saturday, February 15, 2020
VietPress USA Source: www.reddit.com
On March 9, 2020 the trial on the Boeing MH-17 crash case is going to be opened. MH-17 was downed by the rocket of Russian missile system “Buk” in the air above the Ukrainian region Donbass in July 2014.
The Netherlands Public Prosecution office has put on official charges of downing the civil board against citizens of Russian federation – Igor Girkin, Sergey Dubinskiy, Oleg Pulatov and Leonid Kharchenko. All of them have been put on international wanted list.
The relatives of murdered MH-17 passengers are already coming to Netherlands. Among the victims there were not only Dutch citizens, but also those of Australia and Malaysia. All the relatives are united by the desire to know the truth – who killed their love ones?
During the long investigation and analysis of the events, preceded the tragedy it becomes clear that not only the particular Russian citizens involved in the tragedy, but the Russian Federation is the main accused. It has been confirmed by the circumstances of MH-17 crash and by long-time history of lie, manipulations and pressure on justice, undertaken by Russia. Let’s take a look at the facts supporting this statement.
The Joint Investigation Team of Australian, Dutch and Malaysian representatives which was set up straight after the crash of Malaysian Boeing provided detailed and overall investigation of catastrophe. There were collected evidences that Boeing MH-17 had been shot down by the Russian missile system “Buk” illegally moved from Russia to the territories of Ukraine occupied by pro-Russian militants (investigators have got the video of missile system crossing Ukrainian border and its route there). Investigation obtained the serial number of the missile system and the particular air defense brigade of Russian Armed Forces operated it. Moreover, there are intercepted records of communications of pro-Russian militants of so-called “DPR” recorded on the day of downing of MH-17. These records confirm the complicity of Russian military servants in the pre-meditated crash of civil board MH-17. Though the overwhelming evidence of its participation in MH-17 tragedy, Russia does not only admit guilt in this case but even tries to accuse Ukraine of this crime. The accusations against Ukraine, produced by Russian propagandists are constantly changed and all of them are completely improbable.
To prove its innocence Russia revealed the expertise, done by state-owned company “Almaz-Antey”. Do you believe that state-owned company will ever blame its own country? The answer is clear.
The refuse of accused persons to come to Netherlands to prove their innocence is very significant. The very status of accused persons is even more significant and tells us who is responsible for MH-17 tragedy: Igor Girkin (Strelkov) is the colonel of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and one of the leaders of so-called DPR, Oleg Pulatov is the lieutenant colonel of the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate special forces, Sergey Dubinskiy is the Russian military servant and chief of “the Main Intelligence Directorate of DPR”. Igor Girkin has already refused to take part in trial as he denied the jurisdiction of court.
As we can see all the defendants are active Russian military servants. It is absolutely clear they could not come to the territory of Ukraine without order of Russian policymakers. The high-technology anti-aircraft missile system, operated by Russian army was at their disposal. Therefore, Russian government is responsible for the crash MH-17 board.
The current relative lull in the fighting zone in East of Ukraine does not mean that military conflict is on the way to its end.
Likewise, since the end of “hot phase” there has been revealed more information about the crimes, committed by illegal armed formations under Russia’s control, and by Russian military servants presented there.
Unacceptable conditions of prisoners of war keeping, physical and psychological abuse, medieval tortures — that is what going on in the territories of Ukraine, occupied by Russia.
Approximately 50 released prisoners of war appealed to international institutions and made statements about the tortures they had suffered while being kept by pro-Russian militants. Their testimonies show that prisoners of war suffered brutal tortures: amputations, compulsions to commit murders of other prisoners under the threat of atrocious tortures.
Such treatment is widely applied not only to prisoners of war, but also to pro-Ukrainian activists. The residents of occupied territories are in permanent danger of arrest based on their national identity and beliefs.
The latest striking case of inhuman treatment is the story of capture of 8 Ukrainian military servants near Novotroitske settlement in May 2019. Their fate remained a mystery for a long time, except for the released videos of latters (just like Al-Qaeda and ISIS style). Video showed they were exhausted and completely depressed. The freed ex-prisoners told what was happening off scene: prisoners were not allowed to sleep, they were left with no food and water, prisoners were regularly beaten and tortured with electroshock, electric irons, acid, suffocation with a gas mask and other torture instruments we cannot describe in this article due to ethical implications.
Many of prisoners could not endured tortures and died. It allegedly happened with the Ukrainian prisoner of war Roman Bespaliy, whose body with signs of atrocious tortures was sent to his relatives. Roman’s body was completely disemboweled, there were not any internals in. That could be done to hide the cause of death. However, there is information that militants draw internals from people alive, to receive the needed information and to maximize their pain. Such barbarity is taking place today, in the territories, which are out of control of Ukraine.
The facts of tortures and inhuman treatment of prisoners of war by pro-russian militants is not sensation. Since the occupation of its territories Ukraine has sequentially presented the proofs for the international community that actions of Russian military servants and their Donbass puppets meet the term of “aggression”, according to United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3314 (XXIX) (Definition of Aggression) and Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War.
The Normandy Format talks has ended, as expected, with no clear-cut result. Among other issues, gas topic was discussed, which is more relevant than ever for ordinary Europeans during this winter period. Especially, taking into account that on January 1, 2020, the current contract between Russia and Ukraine for the transit of gas to Europe through Ukraine expires.
Putin tried to turn everything into a joke, and even, as our analysts interpreted, to demonstrate some kind of blackmail, but this did not lead to a constructive deal. And here, a statement made by the company-operator of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline about the delay in completing the construction of the gas pipeline and that the company would not be able to meet the deadlines announced earlier played a dirty trick on the Russian president. Representatives of the company said: “We’ve planned that in the coming months we will complete the project in accordance with all legal and technical standards”. But the exact date was not named. How much time will it take? – 1, 2, 3 months, half a year ?! Nobody knows, neither EU nor Putin. But it is already obvious that Nord Stream-2 will not become an alternative to transit through Ukraine in the near future. So, whether it will ever be is a doubtful question! If now the untimely setting into operation, failure to meet the deadlines for both the launch and the normal operation is an obvious fact. Putin has no choice but to say yes to sign a new contract with Ukraine. At the same time, the Russians, in their usual manner, are putting pressure on the Ukrainian side, exposing conditions that do not correspond to the current state of affairs – Ukraine’s refusal of claims against Gazprom upon the decision of arbitration in Stockholm, as well as of the fine imposed on Gazprom by the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, the gas transit contract shall be for 1 year. Meanwhile, according to a research conducted by Institute of Energy Economics at the University of Cologne (EWI) (https://www.ewi.uni-koeln.de/cms/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Trilateral_Gas_talks_final.pdf), it is that Russia now needs these contracts. In case of interruption of the Russian gas transit through Ukraine’s gas transportation system as from January 1, 2020, Russia’s losses may reach 3.4 billion euros for the first quarter of 2020. While Ukraine will lose about 500 million Euros, that is, almost seven times less in the case of the so-called “zero” transit. This is primarily due to the fact that the Kremlin will not be able to fully receive its export earnings from gas exports. In case of failure to conclude a new agreement on gas transit, EU nationals may see negative economic consequences on their wallets. If there is no transit of the Russian gas through Ukraine, gas prices in Europe may increase significantly, due to which the economies of the EU countries may loss about 1.5 billion Euros, provided the warm weather conditions, but if the winter is cold, this amount may increase to 2.1 billion euros. Here it is worth asking a question: why, having the opportunity to buy cheaper liquefied gas from the USA, we are still in the economic bondage of the Kremlin? We are not trying to get rid of it, but are plunging into it due to the Nord Stream-2? We should not forget that in addition to direct economic losses, such a situation can also cause reputational risks and losses for Russia, which once again will confirm the reputation of an unreliable partner! Perhaps this will push decision-makers to redirect their attention to other, more reliable, energy suppliers? By the way, the gas is a long-standing favorite topic of the Russian leader. Experts have estimated that at approximately ¾ of his meetings with foreign leaders over the past 15 years, cooperation on gas issues was somehow discussed. At the same time, experts note that every year Gazprom’s projects are becoming more expensive, but gas prices have not risen in the face of an increasingly obvious overproduction and market globalization. But Russia has nothing to offer except for gas (and sometimes weapons). So they use what they can. In any case Ukraine now has many game changers. The closer December 31, the more valuable they become. We may only hope for a warm winter and crossing our fingers celebrate Christmas at still going warm houses.
Normandy meeting in Paris on December 9 have not had any particular results, but it gave hope for resumption of negotiation process between Ukraine and Russia. This process may be long and complicated one.
Notwithstanding the current leader of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky has managed to reach the agreement on state of ceasefire (at least, on behalf of Ukraine) before the Paris meeting, to withdraw troops from agreed front-line areas and to swap prisoners of war, it is obvious that political will and diplomatic push of the Ukrainian leader is not enough. Russian president demonstrates the unwillingness to support the settlement of war conflict in Donbass.
Straight after the negotiations Putin pushed another “argument” for Russian propaganda to intimidate the people of separatists republics with possible bloody consequences in case of absence of the amnesty law, implying that another Srebrenica may happen in Donbass.
During the council on human rights meeting Putin stated: “Ukrainian party tells us all the time: “Let us take control over the border with military troops”. Well, I can only imagine what it will be there in this case. That will be Srebrenica... We all saw Zelensky took part in the discussions with the nationalists. It is clear who has power there. What is supposed to happen then? Who is going to rule these nationalists, when they enter these territories without any guarantees for people?”
It is worth mentioning that it is quite strange way to justify full and total amnesty not only for separatists and “Russian world” activists, but for militants, for real criminals – those who tortured, murdered, robbed not only Ukrainian patriots, but local residents in general.
It is also strange that Putin has forgotten that Russia never recognized Srebrenica massacre as the genocide. Likewise, Russian propaganda justifies the killing of Muslims, committed by Serbs (it is about 8000 killed residents of small miner’s village for 3 days), saying Muslims also killed Serbs, therefore Serbs just avenged on them.
At the same time, the current situation in Donbass is based on the Russian support of occupation administrations, the presence of Russian commandos and sabotage and reconnaissance forces, mercenaries of private military company “Wagner”, Cossacks military formations, regular supplies of Russian weapons, ammunition and fuel by the “humanitarian convoys” entering the Ukrainian territory.
These facts are all proved not only by the documents, presented by Ukraine, but also by Bellingcat investigation, the statements of Strelkov-Girkin – Russian ex-serviceman, who never concealed his participation in war in the East of Ukraine, attacking Ukrainian cities, and his role of “Minister of defense of DPR”. His memories and statements on the current situation are easy to find in the Internet.
The news about 2 Russian diplomats, who were expelled from Germany on the eve of Normandy format meeting because of alleged involvement of Russian intelligence in murder of Georgian citizen Zelimhan Hangoshvili in Berlin, became instant sensation. Angela Merkel made statement that Germany undertook that decision after repeated refusals of Russia to cooperate in relation to rthe investigation of this resonant murder.
Hangoshvili was fatally shot on Aug.23, in Kleiner Tirgarten, not far from government quarter Moabit. The killer shot him twice in the head and was arrested while trying to escape from the crime scene. Later it was told that arrested accused on murder charges Vadim Krasikov is Russian, former military servant of elite unit of FSB “Vympel”. The statement about the expel of Russian diplomats was made straight before the Normandy format meeting of French, Russian German, Ukrainian leaders. And Putin did not miss the opportunity to reply A.Merkel. But the most shocking about that is the way he replied. In particular, cynicism and even tryout to justify such actions are outrageous: “He was not just Georgian man, he was the man who took part in war actions on the side of separatists in Caucasia. He is not Georgian by his ethnic background. He was wanted by our enforcement bodies. He was militant, very cruel and bloody person. Only one of his attacks took life of 98 persons. He organized terror attacks in Moscow underground”. Everyone knows that in democratic and law-based state guilty person is the one, who is found guilty by the court. However, Russia has never been democratic and law-based state, therefore Russian leader considers such statements as acceptable ones. It is quite significant that Russian enforcement bodies never asked Germany for extradition of Hangoshvili, he was never found guilty in the crimes Putin has accused him publicly. In fact Russian president was the first who told about mythical crimes of the murdered person. It is absolutely reprehensible that Russian president justifies the actions of killer and mediately recognizes the involvement of Russian intelligence in the murders of political opponents. It is well known that Hangoshvili was not the first victim in the long list of killed persons, who were undesirable for Kremlin. Abdulwahid Eldgeriev was killed in 2015, Amina Okueva was killed in 2017, Sergey Skrypal was poisoned in 2018. Now we have the murder of Hangoshvili in the center of European capital. Unfortunately, we have to state that Kremlin does not react on the demands of European leaders to stop political terror and practice of termination of political opponents on the territory of other countries. The diplomacy of deep concern and admonitions does not influence on Russian leader, he continues to strike essentials hits on European security system. In this regard, there is one solid question: how can we fight international terrorism together with person, who do not reject usage of such methods, even on the territory of other countries?
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