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Australia News on Feb. 17, 2020
Monday, February 17, 2020
VietPress USA Source: www,reddit.com
From media accounts it seems dealers and staff were blindsided about the closure, others said this was obvious.
What's going on for you? How you dealing with it?
Have noticed a ute driving through our street early one morning and doing the mozzie spraying. Fast forward a few weeks or maybe more and now we have dead bees everywhere, i have never seen this before. I googled, and there is a link between the two. Killing bees is bad, but what is spraying for mozzies doing for us?
A year a go on the eleventh of February the Daily Telegraph ran a particularly racist cartoon called, "Just What the Doctor Ordered"
I was one of many people who made a complaint to the Press Council about how bad it was. Today, I finally received an email they they had reviewed the cartoon and come the the conclusion that it's fine. The review seems to be mostly just asking the Telly to come up with an excuse and then accepting it even though they acknowledge the cartoon is very racist.
"The Council considers that to the extent there was substantial offence or prejudice caused it was justified in the public interest."
Here's a link to their full statement.
I’m looking for suggestions of current legal issues in Australia something interesting and not as simple as gender, discrimination etc
This is for a research paper and I’d love to hear suggestions of some contemporary legal issues
And basically all of them involve spiders. Yeah, I totally, completely fucking despise anything with 8 legs. I have PTSD from being bitten by a toxic spider when I was a kid and almost dying, and have since been terrified of even a daddy long legs. I literally had my ex boyfriend come to my house to remove a spider from my bedroom at one point.
Normally, that would immediately disqualify the home of all grandiose insects as my travel destination, but here’s the thing — Kangaroos and Koalas are my favorite animals ever, and your culture is very interesting. Is there any advice you could give me on travel plans where I could maximize my interactions with kangaroos and not so much on the spiders? Thanks!
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