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World News on April 1st 2019
Monday, April 01, 2019
VietPress USA News source: www.reddit.com
I'm a student and I hate how much I'm wasting my time in the road to the university. Also, I'm jealous about how the girls are having a bus and we don't. I don't know from where the idea comes that the boys can drive, so we don't need to have public transportation. Please don't say that I should listen to podcasts. آسف على الحلطمة
السلام عليكم محتار بين البرنامجين صراحة ودي اشترك بواحد منهم تركيزي كله على الاغاني العربية بشكل عام خليجي عراقي وهكذا فأيهم احسن من تجربة و بلاي ليستس؟
As the caption says, are there any services of that sort here in Saudi? Specifically asking for Riyadh
5 min ago my reddit all turned Chinese....all the tabs, preferences..etc. I went into preferences and made sure they were checked to english....they were....what is going on? I cant read Chinese so I am in need of some help here....i am asking you b/c I cannot find the mod help link b/c I cannot read it.
UPDATE- ok- it must have something to do with firefox. And if you are telling me how to change lang. preference, OF COURSE I TRIED THAT before I posted. On IE all is normal. On my desktop all is normal. On my netbook, using firefox, it is a taco show. I ran the page through google translator and I especially enjoy the rick roll. So anyone know how to un-Chinese reddit in firefox? This is the only page it is happening on.
EDIT- I must admit this is hilarious. I wish i had paid more attention in Chinese class....
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