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Australia News on Aprl 13, 2019
Saturday, April 13, 2019
VietPress USA News source: www.reddit.com
Guys if you can help me out this would be great. I am looking at a merchandising store and want to have clothing and accessories printed up. I have Googled for hours and have so many different options. If for example, I wanted to print up some Silverchair shirts, who would I approach first? I see plenty of them listed on eBay etc, are all these guys really selling licensed gear?
Hey everybody! I'm a 32 year old American headed to Australia in July for a vacation. I'm trying to choose between going to Cairns to dive the Great Barrier Reef or Port Lincoln to dive with Great Whites, but I have no idea what else to do in those cities. Do you have any advice for which city to choose and/or ideas for other stuff to do in those cities? I head Port Lincoln has great seafood, but Cairns might have more to do or more people to meet. Thanks!
Will I be violating my work restriction if I were to pick up some online jobs on top of working part-time in person 40h/ fortnightly?
I'm hoping to deposit payments to my home country so that it counts as income at home rather than Aus. Is this legal or would I be violating something?
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