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Europe News on March 24, 2019
Sunday, March 24, 2019
VietPress USA News source: www.reddit.com
So here's my second thread on the subject in a short period of time, but honestly I don't see this discussed anywhere.
There was a huge banner recently on the big demonstration saying essentially "democracy can change its mind".
But what nobody is talking about is that the UK should be able to rejoin at a later point if everything is looking silly once they leave.
Like what would be the difference between any of the recent new(er) EU countries joining and the UK rejoining?
They'd have to negotiate a bit and probably would get fewer exception than what they have now but otherwise I think it would probably be pretty easy.
All the infrastructure is already there I'd imagine! Don't whipe the hard drives with the EU data and don't throw out the old EU flags ^
Like, just imagine it.
Hạnh Dương