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Europe News on Jan. 15, 2019
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
ietPress USA - News source: www.reddit.com
Sat at home right now watching TV and seeing people going crazy on the streets waving British/EU flags, all news channels talking about Brexit. All my social media’s are exploding with the news of the outcome. I just we were as quiet and neutral as Switzerland right about now. This country politically might be a disaster but all I know is I still gotta get up for work in the morning and life goes on!
In a spur-of-the-moment referendum, the British people have voted against the internet. Prime Minister May decided to push for this referendum after seven people with pitchforks demanded a internet free of stupid foreigners. Ever since the Maastricht Treaty of 1992, which created the modern internet, there have been those calling for a British leave from the internet. Internet critics believe that leaving the highy regulated internet, and following return to the British Lanparty is in the best interest of the island that once ruled the world but is now lonelier than ever.
In a statement to The Onion Boris Johnson stated: "Ofcourse the world will think of us as narrowbanded nerds, but wait until they see how Korea free our Call of Duty servers are". Shortly after this interview we received word that Boris left the Party for free Lanparties.
Good luck GB! You are the only ones to see that the way forward was behind you all along. Isn't that convenient.
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