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Australia News on Jan. 2nd, 2019
Wednesday, January 02, 2019
VietPress USA - News soiurce: www.reddit.com
Many things frustrate me while driving including people who dont use indicators, those who veer right to turn left and vice versa, tailgaters etc. but they dont come close to my level of infuriation with texting drivers. Today a person behind me, who I could see using her phone, kept getting too close to me at red lights and when the lights turned green she stayed there while the rest of us drove off coz she was so focussed on her phone. I've seen texting drivers before but she was the worst. So... I dont know how to start a megathread but I think we should have one to name and shame texting drivers throughout Australia. I couldn't see her license plate but she was pretty and young, 20'ish, with a pony tail, and driving a silver Lexus SUV last seen turning south on to Samford Rd from Settlement Rd (Brisbane) about 10:30 this morning. There can't be too many who fit that description. If she has had an accident with you or someone you know I am happy to be a witness to her behaviour. Let's call these people out, using license plates if you can safely view them, and perhaps save some lives along the way.
Hi all,
Just got the "ATO call" about there being a lawsuit filed under my name and how there's going to be an arrest warrant issued for me (both which are very Americanised terms, one's not often used in AUS either). Not sure if many others have experience it lately, i know a couple of months back it was around. It was the usual Stephen Hawking sounding dude on TTS.
The number was, 03 9005 6982
Keep vigilant everybody!
Our new calendar, January page, is not really aware that it is currently 44C (111F) outside, here in MY PART OF Australia. [Calendar](https://i.imgur.com/xD6LQTM.jpg
Edit- Australia is a big place. It must be freezing somewhere else.
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