Home » Australia
Australia News on Jan. 25, 2019
Friday, January 25, 2019
VietPress USA - News source: www.reddit.com
To all those celebrating today - happy Australia Day!
I'm visiting Australia in two weeks and I'm just trying to get a grasp on the temperatures you guys are having. I see a lot of stories and news articles saying this is some of the hottest weather you have had with temperatures getting up into the high 30s- mid 40s Celsius. I'm from the Southern United States, where we have similar temperatures with very high humidity, so I'm no stranger to warm weather, but I am concerned based on what I've read. I'm going to be visiting Sydney, Cairns, and Brisbane and am trying to gauge how hot is via some first hand accounts. Just trying to be prepared, looking forward to visiting your fine country!
Please forgive me if this is in the wrong subreddit (or if there’s a more specialized one I should be posting in) - I’m just trying to put some feelers out to see what my options are.
In about a year, my girlfriend and I will be studying/working as grad students in Melbourne. During that time, we were hoping to have a honeymoon trip in June/July where we road trip from Melbourne to Darwin over the course of 3 weeks.
The problem is, of course, that no one is realistically going to rent us a car to drive from Melbourne to Darwin, and if we were even able to find one with 4WD like we were hoping, then it would probably be unnecessarily expensive for just a rental. It would financially make much more sense to buy an old used car and keep it for the duration of our time there.
The other obvious problem is that there is no way in hell that someone would be able to drive to Darwin and back in 3 weeks - at least, not enjoyably and while doing some sightseeing. So now we’re considering the prospect of flying to Darwin, buying a car there, and then driving it back to Melbourne. There is the option to buy it in Melb, list it online, and then have someone drive it back, but that seems pretty unreliable.
Is this an even remotely feasible idea? Is it too risky? Can anyone with any experience speak to this?
Thanks very much for any help and advice.
EDIT: I neglected that we really’d like to do stuff in Kakadu. That’s probably important information.
Since then we've been drinking to it and having barbies to celebrate our national day.
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