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World News on Aug. 2nd, 2018
Thursday, August 02, 2018
VietPress USA (): Source: www.reddit.com
An Australian man trapped on a New Zealand mountain by severe weather since last week has been found alive in what has been described as an extraordinary tale of survival. There were grave fears for the 29-year-old, who failed to return on Monday from a solo climb of Mount Aspiring
Japan’s driver’s licenses will start to indicate expiration date using Western calendar instead of Japanese calendar, draft of revised traffic law regulations showed Thursday. The draft, disclosed by NPA, will also change rules to allow ID photos to show driver wearing hijab.
Italian submarine sunk by accident by British warship during First World War found after lying on seabed for more than century. HMS Cyclamen mistook Alberto Guglielmotti for German U-boat and sank her by gunfire and ramming off island of Capraia, between Corsica and Italian coast, in March 1917.