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World News on Jan. 8th, 2018
Monday, January 08, 2018
VietPress USA ():
Behind Soft PaywallRohingya Militants in Myanmar Claim Responsibility for [Terrorist] Attack (nytimes.com)
submitted by pupitt
The battle between man and bear in Akita Prefecture has descended into such carnage that animal rights groups fear species could be driven to extinction. Citing 817 Asian black bears shot on sight or killed after being caught in traps in 2017, groups say cull is tantamount to an extermination. (asahi.com)
submitted by madazzahatter
Behind Soft PaywallThailand’s Leader Uses Cardboard Stand-In to Avoid Journalists’ Questions (nytimes.com)
submitted by DiscardedIdeas
Vicar has become first to be found guilty of spiritual abuse after he tried to stop teenage boy seeing his girlfriend. Reverend Timothy Davis, vicar of Christ Church Abingdon, was found guilty of misconduct after tribunal found his "intense mentoring" of boy between 2012 and 2013 amounted to abuse. (telegraph.co.uk)
submitted by madazzahatter