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World News on Jan. 16, 2017
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
VietPress USA ():
Japan has told an international meeting on North Korea that the world should not be blinded by Pyongyang's recent "charm offensive". Foreign Minister Taro Kono's comments in Canada come as North and South Korea discuss Pyongyang's plans to participate in the Winter Olympics. (bbc.co.uk)
submitted by madam1
Behind Soft PaywallNorth Korean nuclear weapons crisis at a ‘tenuous stage,’ Tillerson says (washingtonpost.com)
submitted by indpin
Behind Soft PaywallPentagon Suggests Countering Devastating Cyberattacks With Nuclear Arms (nytimes.com)
submitted by dota2patchleak
Behind Soft PaywallNavy files criminal charges in connection with deadly ship collisions, including negligent homicide (washingtonpost.com)
submitted by yaapwonder
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