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World News on 22, 2017
Friday, December 22, 2017
VietPress USA ():
Behind Soft PaywallRussian submarines are prowling around vital undersea cables. It’s making NATO nervous. (washingtonpost.com)
submitted by Spirited_Cheer
A 61-year-old Swiss man suspected of selling arms illegally to Austria has been arrested by police in St Gallen. During a search of a property in Degersheim last week police seized 280 weapons, over 100,000 rounds of ammunition and 1.3 million francs in cash. (thelocal.at)
submitted by madazzahatter
Arab states believe U.S. aid secure despite defying Trump Jerusalem move - Leading Arab allies threatened with cuts in aid by Donald Trump said they had no choice but to defy the U.S. president over his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, and did not believe he would follow through. (uk.reuters.com)
submitted by ManiaforBeatles
Legal action to see whether UK could unilaterally stop Brexit gets go-ahead - A group of anti-Brexit Scottish members of parliament has been given the go-ahead to pursue legal action to establish whether the United Kingdom can unilaterally stop the process of leaving the EU, a Scottish court said. (uk.reuters.com)
submitted by ManiaforBeatles