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Asia News on Jan 17th, 2017
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
VietPress USA (Jan 17th, 2017):
China goes big in Davos - and here's why. China is bringing the largest delegation it has ever mustered. The message is clear. America might start looking inward, but China is seeking to extend its influence, and the chosen route is economics (bbc.com)
submitted by PostNationalism
China President Xi Jinping: 'No one will emerge as a winner in a trade war' - "We should adapt to and guide economic globalization, cushion its negative impacts and deliver its benefits for all countries." (cnbc.com)
submitted by PostNationalism
Why Scott Savitt’s memoir "Crashing the Party: an American Reporter in China" was ignored by media and China watchers (whiteconfucius.com)
submitted by PostNationalism
Indian Teen's Court Battle for a New Tuberculosis Drug Draws Global SupportNews (washingtonpost.com)
submitted by PrinceDakkar
Jacob Lew: China Is Open to Criticism That Is ‘Intellectually Sound’: WASHINGTON—Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew warned ignoring recent steps by Beijing to liberalize its economy would endanger Chinese cooperation on other major geopolitical issues, particularly containing North Korea’s nuclear program (wsj.com)
submitted by PostNationalism
Chinese Investors Flock to Vietnam's Wooden Furniture IndustryBusiness|Environment (english.vietnamnet.vn)
submitted by PrinceDakkar
Hey guys, I'm trying to collect photos of people from around the world holding signs saying, "Kiri, hunter's love is so great for you it reached (country)" for my girlfriend for possibly Valentine's Day or her birthday , can you help me out? (self.asia)
submitted by Frognogx443
Interview: WEF expects China to be "responsible, responsive" global leader - Xinhua (news.xinhuanet.com)
submitted by PostNationalism