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ASIA News on Jan. 13th 2017
Friday, January 13, 2017
VietPress USA (Jan. 13th 2017):

When Richard Nixon went to China, he encouraged a Sino-Soviet split that redounded to America’s benefit. Today, Donald Trump could curb China’s ambitions by going to Moscow. (theamericanconservative.com)
submitted by PostNationalism

For the first time, a Chinese submarine has docked at a port in Malaysia, signaling deepening military ties between the two countries, which are already partners in the development of the Beijing- led Maritime Silk Road (MSR) (thehindu.com)
submitted by PostNationalism

'There Are No Homes Left': Rohingya Tell of Rape, Fire and Death in MyanmarHuman Rights (nytimes.com)
submitted by PrinceDakkar

Trump's Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, says China should be denied access to islands it has built in South China Sea. (m.scmp.com)
submitted by PostNationalism
Tell Taiwan To Make Life Easier For Foreigners --- Taiwan now seeking input on "Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professional Talent"(np.reddit.com)
submitted by PostNationalism