All ANZ cards are being declined, what a fun time at the shops.
I'm flying from Sydney to Tullamarine return on Qantas with a baby this week. Does anyone know whether a courtesy pram is provided to use in the airport after I check in my pram with my luggage?
I've tried contacting the airports and Qantas but they haven't been able to confirm.

Mine would be a saltbush lamb and rosemary sausage on a bed of sautéed onion, eggplant and garlic on thinly sliced artisan sourdough spread with pâté. Dusted with parmesan and rocket.

Title is self explanatory, I'm not sure what to do because I sold the computer in working order.
PSA for flying Virgin Australia Airlines if you are Nervous about flying or have a Hidden Disability

So found this one out the hard way.
Basically Virgin have a programme called the "Nervous Flyer program" where they train their staff to give reassurance to passengers who are Nervous because of the very specific reason of their flights have been delayed/disrupted/cancelled - but nothing else. This is what their customer service told me.
So what that means that staff are not trained to provide reassurance/assurance for any other kind of anxiety, i.e. General Fear of Flying.
Even if you phone in the concerns in advance, and tell them at the gate that you require assistance, it is just going to depend on who you get on the day and their own abilities on whether you get any help.
I helped book a flight for a friend, and I had phoned in the assistance in advance for being Anxious about flying, and having a Hidden Disability (not anxiety related) which is of the level which requires being escorted to the plane, and even told at the staff at the check-in 'I need assistance for someone who is nervous about flying and has a hidden disability'.
Those requests were ignored. They said to just ask the cabin crew on the plane, no reassurance or escort provided pre-flight, which was far too late to be helpful.
I find it amazing that in 2022, not all airlines are equipped to deal with this. I thought that it would be common.
I have never had a problem with Jetstar or Tiger with this
I hope that they are at least helpful to those with Obvious disabilities ie: Wheelchair users.
I hope this has been helpful to anyone else looking to fly Virgin.
Hi everybody! So I’m currently planning my honey moon and I would ideally like to come to Australia for about 2 weeks this December. (As long as there are no restrictions preventing us from coming). We would like to see as much of the natural beauty and wildlife as we possibly can in this time. I wanted to start possibly on the coast of Queensland, see the Great Barrier Reef, Daintree Rainforest, and really take our time to enjoy that area. I was thinking we could then fly down Sydney and do a road trip to Melbourne. I would absolutely love to go to Tasmania, but thought it would maybe be better for a second trip to Australia some time down the road.
So I was wondering if this seems like a doable trip for two weeks in December? Or if anybody has any suggestions for how we can best/better make the most of our time to see the most nature and wildlife in the areas mentioned?
Edit: Thank you everybody for your wonderful insight! I think we are going to do a Queensland / Tasmania trip. No big road trips, just renting a car and picking some highlights from each.
desperate to show me dad but i can't find it for the life of me! anyone remember the title? or any words from the title? thanks in advance, have a good weekend mates
edit: downvoter, it's a fresh, crisp saturdee. get out and live it, downvoting fresh reddit posts is not living
Does anyone know what union id join as a boat builder on the Gold Coast?
Many thanks
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