Be warned about using appliances online - they may be slightly cheaper but are an absolute pain to deal with if anything goes wrong.
We bought a vacuum cleaner at the start of the year and it stopped working a couple of months ago (it would just randomly switch off every 30 seconds for no apparent reason) and they have been completely unhelpful at every step of the way. Because this is a major fault (it's not working) our understanding is that we are entitled to a replacement or a refund. My partner is the one who has been speaking to them and they have tried to tell her that it's not their policy to do refund (as if their policy trumps consumer laws) and have been trying to get us to deal directly with the manufacturer (despite the fact we have a contract with appliances online and not the manufacturer).
Eventually (after several weeks of ringing appliances online to try and get an update) they made us send the vacuum cleaner to the manufacturer which we did - that was a couple of weeks ago and appliances online don't seem to want to deal with us at all because they think the manufacturer is going to try and fix the vacuum cleaner and return it to us.
We have bought thousands of dollars of stuff from appliances online but will certainly be shopping elsewhere and I would encourage others to do the same - or at least be warned that if you buy something from appliances online then expect to get zero support from them if anything goes wrong
I can’t find any personal reviews that aren’t by car review companies and have heard a lot of conflicting information as to their reliability and comfort.
I’m looking to upgrade from an i30 and the newest i30 looks a bit better but it’s a bit pedestrian and basic with features. I love the i30 sedan but they’re too hard to get a hold of.
I like the A class’s interior and suede seats and speakers and love that it has a 1.6L T engine as I love to drive and do a bit of highway travel but haven’t seen many around where I live and don’t know about their reliability.
I’m not too concerned about repair costs but I don’t want it to be like my parents 1 year old VW Multivan that has had a list of engine issues and oil leakages and auto electrics failures. I was wondering if there’s any major issues with the Australian version as I know the US ones are made there and different.
What is the best source of fair and balanced news for Australians to read? I tend to read Ninemsn but am so over their click bait and fear mongering headlines. Would love so be informed without being mislead.
Edit - thanks for all the suggestions, ABC seems to be a consistent choice as well as Michael West. I didn’t know some of these sites existed, so I appreciate the answers.
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