Has there even been a collaboration between two major fast food chains (in this country)? Some kind of promotional meal to advertise both chains?A
So one of my family members bought me a gift, a video game called Ratchet and Clank Rift apart which they did not know is a ps5 game and only works with ps5. I told them that it won't work with my ps4 pro and they should return it but they didn't believe me and opened it and placed it in my PS4 saying it's PlayStation of course it will work. Well if course, it didn't lol.
So I'm wondering should they bother trying to get a refund or is it too late now that the cling plastic wrap has been opened, everything else is in tact though.
Terra Australis Incognita
Feel free to add others if know some more (cross-posted in r/Straya - because I couldn't figure out how to post to two sub-reddits except by posting twice).
I opened up a chat to ask Optus why I can't call internationally. 4 hours of chats later, I think I might have international calling turned on for my account now. I didn't expect this to be difficult.
How's everyone else's support experience been?
EDIT 1. As I mentioned below. They upgraded the wrong plan.
EDIT 2. (Hour 5). No, we can't upgrade the phone that has the problem, because the plan was upgraded today (to the same plan) by one of our staff.