A couple of days ago I read many articles saying that China has allegedly been committing mass sterilization on Uyghur women, genocide and keeping Uyghur people on “re-education camps” where they are forced to work, and suffer many kinds of abuse. There is even a video in which a woman describes her experience as a victim of this mass sterilization. But I yesterday I ended up in the sub r/Sino and saw a post that allegedly showed Uyghur people going shopping, dressed with nice clothes, and said that their lives have improved a lot in the past decades. Are you telling me that what we see on these big western news websites for example is all a lie and the Uyghur people in Xinjiang are actually living a happy and prosperous life? I’m sorry, I’m just so confused right now.
Btw, I’m posting it here because I couldn’t post it in r/Sino. Maybe it’s because I’m new there, I don’t know.
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