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Australia News on Aug. 31, 2020
Monday, August 31, 2020
VietPress USA - Source: www.reddit.com:
Hey guys,
I’m about to switch my ISP and am curious which have the best connection to Asian servers for gaming?
I spend most of my time online playing two MMOs, Planetside 2 and Conqueror’s Blade which have their servers hosted in Japan and Hong Kong respectively. So good connection to those places are important for me, especially HK.
Superloop seem to be good with ping to these locations, but their reviews are pretty bad. So I’m wondering if there’s any alternative?
What other ISP have their Points of Presence in those two locations, so that I can achieve lower pings during gaming? Preferably ones with good reviews as well and aren’t too costly with their fees.
Appreciate your help with this!
Here is the initial tweet that found this: https://twitter.com/georgefwoods/status/1300559332778541057?s=19
The tweet has two screenshots that contain the important details:
- The article title is "This might be the most remote coffee van in Australia.". The content of the article appears to be organic local content about a small, remote coffee business in NSW, and general business conditions in this time, but veers into a piece about how Santos workers are "simply good customers" for the coffee van, implying of course, that Santos are supporting the people.
- The author name, in light grey text (that may not even pass accessibility recommendations for text contrast, I'll have a look), is lightly replaced with "Brought to you by Santos". Nothing else on the article position the content in it as an ad, and the writing style, font, format and everything are identical to other news content on the site. This includes SEO - it's a news article.
- The article is categorised under the 'News' section and includes 'news-story' in the url. It looks as if the content has made its way through Daily Telegraph's normal CMS as opposed to a marketing or adserver.
Please avoid clicking this link to avoid giving Santos the analytics and clicks they're after, but for the case of receipts, here's the link: https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/this-might-be-the-most-remote-coffee-van-in-australia/news-story/d40bb342b0cd59302250887c3135ac98
My assessment is that this is awfully unethical propoganda. Anyone who might breeze through NSW related news would not realise the article was an ad, unless they specifically assessed the author's name and considered what "Brought to you by Santos" meant (given Santos is not a household name), and then connected the dots as they continued to read the article and connected it to the pro-Santos shift in the last paragraph or two. This smells of the same pro-mining campaign we saw when the mining tax was around - how this is legal, I do not know.
We know that all banks are bastards, as highlighted during the recent Banking Royal Commission. Still, I was gobsmacked today to learn that my bank defends a policy of charging me a hefty fee to withdraw my own money. Have other readers had the same experience? I accept that it's the bank's policy, but I refuse to accept that it's just.
Owing to the virus, we cancelled an overseas trip and applied to have our airfares refunded. Singapore Air came through on its promise and deposited our $7500 back in our credit card account. I moved the refund into the current account and thought no more about it until I found a charge of $140 for a "cash advance" plus interest today. I phoned the bank, assuming that it was an oversight on account of automation, only to be told that although they'll refund the fee this time, there's now a note on my file to say that they won't do it again.
If I had used the bank's own money as a cash advance, I'd have expected to pay a fee (although 17% interest is usury). But this was my own money, not credit (that is, a positive balance), that the airline refunded. So I'm mystified that the bank can decide that it can still change me an extortionate fee to draw my own money.
It's unlikely to happen again, but I'm prepared to fight tooth and nail if it does. Is this defensible?
Went for a ride today, first day of September and Spring, start off the new season well. And within the first 10 minutes, I have already been swooped twice. I swear they have a calender and are like " It's spring now, time to start swooping."