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Australia News on July 19, 2020
Sunday, July 19, 2020
VietPress USA - Source: www.reddit.com:
“When you’re in the backyard playing in the neighborhood World Cup”
Any True Blue aussies remember this jingle?
Hey everyone. I'm just wondering if anyone on here has done this recently. I have some questions about the time frame. I was going to apply this week and I'm going back to the UK for a few months come November. But on the application it says I need to be here when I apply and when a decision is made. Can anyone advise? Thanks!
Former MasterChef star, now controversial health guru. I don't personally hate Pete for what he's been saying or doing but his actions over the past few months (and years) have stirred up a lot of drama. Do you guys reckon he is actually right about what he talks about, or is he just batshit crazy?
I kinda picked up on it a lot the last couple years I guess, but more recently within social media, meme culture, Buzzfeed, Pitchfork etc etc.
It just seems odd, like don't they both stock pretty much the exact same items just for different prices lol
I dunno, maybe I've over-analysing. 🤔
Thoughts -
I have a bag (in Canada) and I just realised something: are they supposed to be hard or soft?
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