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Australia News on Oct. 15, 2019
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
VietPress USA Source: www.vietpressusa.us
I'll be getting one of these delivered today. For anyone who has one, what works and what doesn't? Should I log in with an AU or US account (and can I just change the account later?)
I mostly got it for Emby/Plex and voice control, and I think I need a US account for the latter?
Hi guys!
My last phone just literally died. It ded.
Was hoping to find a phone that had a nice display for around AUD$500 or less.
I only use my phone for Reddit and checking my language flash cards, so all I want out of it is to look nice, handle well, and not break too easily.
Was hoping to find a phone that had a nice display for around AUD$500 or less.
I only use my phone for Reddit and checking my language flash cards, so all I want out of it is to look nice, handle well, and not break too easily.
I wouldn't mind one with a curved display, as my friend has one (I believe one of the latest Samsung phones) and it looks beautiful, but obviously he paid 1,500 for it and I just can't justify it.
It would also be nice to not have a terrible battery.
Not sure if this is the right sub, but my friend's birthday is coming up and I was thinking of sending her some British snacks from the UK - as someone who's never been to Australia, what recommendations do you have and what British staples are unavailable in Australia ??
A place for r/Australia users to politely discuss random, non-political content that doesn't make it into its own thread.
Come join us at #redditaustralia on Freenode! Use the webclient if you like!
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