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Asia News on Sept. 23, 2019
Monday, September 23, 2019
VietPress USA Source: www.reddit.com
https://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2019092300153 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO50115530T20C19A9CZ8000/
I guess it’s technically top breaking story of the day right now. The husband (48) and wife (50) suffered multiple knife injuries to the head and frace, while the son (13) sustained severe injuries at his feet and wrists, and the youngest daughter (11) was pepper sprayed. The oldest child (21) had no reported injuries. The police found multiple windows unlocked at the Kobayashi home, and are still investigating the homicide.
Wahhh so many old school snacks in this video~ https://youtu.be/-ivuR8L5pPA
My favourite is the iced gem biscuits! Spot any of your favourite too?
Hạnh Dương