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Europe News on March 26, 2019
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
VietPress USA - News source: www.reddit.com
Triplebyte takes the pain out of finding a new job. (But it cannot take the pain out of Harold.) (triplebyte.com)
promoted by Triplebyte_official
Julia Reda: "Article 13: A disaster for internet freedom and an entire generation" [CC] (youtube.com)
submitted by lPizzaboxlBaden-Württemberg (Germany)
Today President Macron, President Juncker and Chancellor Merkel met with President Jinping (i.redd.it)
submitted by DisunitedKingdomBritish Eurofederalist
MapOn this day in 1913 Bulgaria and Serbia, fighting side by side, captured Edrine/Adrianople from the Ottomans (i.redd.it)
submitted by PorodicnostabloI posted the Nazi spoon