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Australia News on Feb. 27, 2019
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
VietPress USA - News source: www.reddit.com
A place for /r/Australia users to politely discuss random, non-political content that doesn't make it into its own thread.
Come join us at #redditaustralia on Freenode! Use the webclient if you like!
The conviction of Australia's most prominent Catholic for sexual offences against minors has been met with an outpouring of emotion and comment here on /r/australia
To avoid repetition of the same questions / answer, we've created a megathread for all Pell related discussion, rants and memes. Some of the common questions put as recent self-posts have been added starter questions.
Just got an email from Uber, “now you can give more than compliments”, and yup, turns out they’re adding tipping to the app. In Australia.
Can we not have this particular shitty part of American culture encroach into our way of life? Please? Won’t be long before we have certain kinds of drivers rating you down unless you tip them as well like already happens with some seppos.
Having taken Triplebyte’s coding quiz, Harold awaits multiple job offers, leaving plenty of time to contemplate the void.
The easy way to get treatment for E.D.
Is there a list of companies that advertise or support Bolt and Devine? I don't want my money going to advertisers that support child rape apologists.
I don't really want to listen, read or watch them in order to make a list. I'm hoping there is a less anger-inducing way to find out their advertisers and other financial supporters.
If it's your thing, check out the website for a clean up event near you, and join us this weekend for cleaning up Australia!