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Australia News on Sept. 27, 2018
Thursday, September 27, 2018
VietPress USA ():
It's all over the news, but i don't want to hear a summary. I want to get my hands on the whole text. Where can I download it?
Went to get some milk today, milk fridges PACKED with Woolworth's brand milk. Signs and letters all over saying they're upping the price of their milk by 30c in this trying time with all of the extra money going to farmers due to everything going on.
I get that we should be glad Woolworths is doing something about it, but honestly things shouldn't have to get this bad before farmers are get a proper deal in supplying one of the biggest retailers with their home brand milk.
Why not pay them fairly year round? How about just keeping the price of the milk as it is and sending all the profit to the farmers anyway? How about just being a decent company to their suppliers instead of patting themselves on the back periodically when a crisis strikes all while they're still profiting in the process? And then turning around and saying "Oh aren't we gracious to give the farmers money" when it's money that we're paying anyway.
I don't have any ties to farming in Australia, nor do I know any farmers personally. But as an Australian I'm tired of farmers getting the short end of the wrong stick. Farmers deserve way better in this country, and Woolworths shouldn't be using the conditions they're going through to parade about in their own good PR.
Terrified of the big spiders seen on videos in australian homes. What would be the fastest and most cost effective way to overcome this problem? Don't say "just go to Australia". My local psych office charges 200 for a session for exposure therapy more or less, but was wondering if there's a cheaper way (hypnotherapy, self-guided therapy with no cost, etc)?